Hey! Guess What?
Just in case you forgot!😆 We are now in a new month and a new season!
Bring on the heat! Can you believe this year is already half over?😮
Here are a few reflection questions for you💜
1) What have you accomplished in your business that you are really proud of?
2) What do you find isn’t working?
3) What is holding you back from taking the leap in your career?
4) What would your business and personal life look like if you could change the things that aren’t working?(your ideal day🤗) .
For me:
1) I’m proud of my persistence to push myself and business to the next level!
2) Teaching a million classes was NOT working!
3) Not having clarity in my direction was holding me back
4) My business and personal life took a sharp turn in the right direction and I’m living my ideal life - everyday!
If you’re feeling stuck in your business as we approach the summer months, check out my quick FREE survey that will assist you in brainstorming your next move
Join The Rolling Mat Community on Facebook and connect with other yogis in business and small business owners!
Marie Burgess recommends The Rolling Mat.
I have been practicing privately with Stephanie Mitchell since September, 2018. She is a masterful yogi. Since we started, I have significantly less pain and much more stamina. I am clear-headed and enjoy being lighter on my feet. I highly recommend Stephanie!
